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Meadowsweet aka Queen of the Meadow


Filipendula ulmaria

Filipendula ulmaria in nature

General info:
NL: Moerasspirea
Ger.: Mädesüss
FR: Reine-des-prés

Family: Rosaceae ("the rose family")
Most common distribution: Northern Europe, Northern America and northern Asia.

Parts of the plant used for medicinal use: Flos (flowers), herba (herbs).
The traditional use of this plant is:
- Diaphoretic
- Diuretic
- Anti-gout
- Anti-rheumatism
- Anti Bladder and kidney inflammation
- Anti ulcerations in the stomach
- Anti burning stomachacid
- Anti diarrhea
Often prescribed by professionals against a cold.

Chemical components of the plant:
- Flavonoids
- Tannins (up to 12,5% of the total of all components)
- Etheric oil (mainly salicylcomponents, primarily salicylaldehyde together with gaultherin, methylsalicylate, salicin, spirein, etc.)

The main effects of the plant are caused by these salicylates.

In the body, these salicylates inhibit the COX enzymes. (COX1 and COX2)
COX enzymes regulate the synthesis of prostaglandins from arachidonic acids.

COX1 role: forms prostaglandins that regulate cells to a normal physiologic state and work cellprotective but also forms prostaglandins that cause inflammation.
COX2 role: forms prostaglandins that cause an inflammation, thus increase pain and fever.

Structure of salicylic acid

Metabolisation in the body:
Salicins will be metabolised inside the stomach and intestines to salicigenin, this will be absorbed into the blood where it will be metabolised primarily in the liver to salicylic acid, where it now can carry out its properties on the COX enzymes.

The huge advantage of this metabolisation is that the salicylic acid will not be directly in touch with the stomach/intestin mucus where it can cause irritation and inflict damage. Whereas if a person takes in f.e. a tablet of salicylic acid or acetyl salicylic acid it could cause damage.

Used doses for medicinal use:
An equivalent of 2,5-3,5 g of flowers or an equivalent of 4,0-5,0 g of herbs can be taken per day in case of adults.
This treatment should be applied for a long period of time, only after approximately two weeks, an optimal effect can be obtained.

Careful because the components have an anticoagulant and antifibrinolytic activity (because of the presence of heparin compounds).
People who are allergic to salicylatic compounds should avoid this plant and its preparations.
Kidneypatients should pay extra attention when considering to use this plant for therapeutic goals.


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